Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Baroque duos

Wasn't Telemann clever? He wrote so much music for so many instrumental combinations. Here's his Canonic Duos in:

Treble clef
Alto clef
Bass clef

Note that you can play the above with instruments reading the same clef or a different clef; they are written in the same key! (therefore violin & viola, viola & cello, or violin & cello work). These were typeset by Johan Tufvesson.

Here's the first of Telemann's Sonatas for two violins/flutes from Mutopia:

Sontata 1

Here's two Hotteterre sonatas for two flutes without continuo (but I'm sure they would sound delicious on violin too!)
Sonata 1 - score
Sonata 2 - score

1 comment:

totpeti said...

all is downloaded, thanks